ACE K-12 基本學科課程








A number of specific academic support strategies have been identified that have the potential to help struggling students as well as prevent academic problems from developing. Students who are falling behind academically are likely to fall further behind unless they are given more learning opportunities. As a result, ACE strive to provide as many opportunities for academic material exposure as possible. With our expert tutors,
雖然已是老生常談,但GPA真的很重要。GPA是你想要去的任何學校看到你的第一個印象,不論是申請獎學金還是額外的課外學校服務,GPA都會是學校看重的一大指標。好的GPA能夠象徵這樣的學生能夠兼顧自己的本分,願意為了學習付出一定的努力,甚至學校會依此評斷你非常聰明。 當然,一個學生的好與壞絕對不是單單憑GPA決定的,但不可否認的是學校需要快速辨別學生的優劣,只能透過這樣的方式。 ACE能幫學生做的便是盯緊學生的學習態度,給予最適合的教學,讓學生事倍功半。
K-12 學科輔導


高中 9-12 年級
國中 6-8 年級
小學 1-5 年級l
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Why focus on the ACT?
The SAT is changing as it becomes an adaptive online test. In the past, whenever College Board would overhaul an SAT, it’d take 2-3 years for tutoring companies to adapt to the new format. In the last overhaul, tutoring companies would advocate taking the ACT instead for this reason. The ACT has been around since 1959, and while the SAT has gone through a few overhauls in the last three decades, the ACT has only ever made minor revisions. Moreover, the ACT is a completely different test from the SAT. While the SAT is geared towards critical thinking, the ACT focuses on testing strategies like timing. Also, because the ACT has been more consistent from test to test, and if your student is frustrated with the SAT’s curving or is struggling to improve their SAT score, it’s worth giving the ACT a chance. We offer free diagnostic tests and will analyze the score by cross-referencing it to a comparative SAT score for you! Moreover, the ACT is a completely different test from the SAT. While the SAT is geared towards critical thinking, the ACT focuses on testing strategies like timing. Also, because the ACT has been more consistent from test to test, and if your student is frustrated with the SAT’s curving or is struggling to improve their SAT score, it’s worth giving the ACT a chance. We offer free diagnostic tests and will analyze the score by cross-referencing it to a comparative SAT score for you!
My student already has a high SAT score.

Why should s/he consider the ACT?

Colleges accept both SAT and ACT scores. With subject tests no longer being offered, it only makes sense to take both the SAT and the ACT to make your college application stand out even more. Showing high scores on both tests is indicative of the applicant being well-rounded and demonstrates their academic prowess, so taking both the SAT and the ACT has been gaining traction in recent years. For freshmen accepted into Harvard 2020-2021, 72% of students submitted SAT scores, 45% submitted ACT scores—meaning 17% of accepted applicants submitted both!
With more colleges becoming test-optional,

why should I still consider the ACT?

If you think the SAT/ACT is optional, AP/IB classes and tests are also optional. While these things are optional, strong performance in them strengthens the student’s application. However, we believe grades matter more than test scores, so if your child is struggling academically, focus on those grades before considering the SAT/ACT!
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70 Hours
100 Hours
Dedicated student success counselor
Individualized study plan/ Schedule
Content/Strategy tutoring
Complete Set Practice Questions/Test Bank
Alternative subjects Tutoring
Bonus Hour With Admissions Consultant
Bonus Hour With Career Mentors
Unlimited Full Length Mock Tests for all subjects
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